Saturday 19 January 2013


We've finally had some snow here in Edinburgh. Not very much but enough to have some winter fun in the park. Me and G. went for a walk after breakfast; she was so excited about snow. The last time she had a chance to see it was over two years ago but she was too small to enjoy it. Today we run, laughing and we threw snowballs at each other and she was so happy. The park was filled with children and their parents, everyone sliding down the hills on their sledges, building snowmen and having snowball fights. It all reminded me of my childhood.
Now, when I'm writing these words, there's hardly any snow left but maybe tonight it will snow again. Winter without snow is definitely no fun.

Happy weekend!


  1. Yay for snow! All we've had are flurries - enough to make one yearn for snow. Glad you got to enjoy it while it lasted!

  2. we too got snow this weekend - for the delight of our little girl! :)

  3. I said the same thing on Francesca's blog, but it looks so peaceful and makes me want to cuddle up in front of a fire with a good book :-)

  4. Nice pictures! The snow transforms beautifully the landscape! Here is a party when she falls because some winters there is not a single flake!

  5. Love the photo of the snow and berries!
