Friday, 4 January 2013

Birthday baking.

Our Little Big Girl turned 4 yesterday. We decided to bake a carrot cake together. Unfortunately, it didn't raise but we still had lots of making it. G. really is a good and eager helper and if only she could read she would propably have let me know that I got the wrong bag of flour from the cupboard (plain one instead of self-raising). I didn't check properly so our cake resembled a huge pancake. We ate it nonetheless and it was delicious.
Happy Birthday my Four-Year-Old-Girl! (...when did you grow so big..?)


  1. Ooh, wish her a very happy birthday from me! I did ask C when it was, but then forgot. I'll add it to my diary now!

  2. I think you found a new recipe - carrot cake pancakes! Yummy!

  3. Happy birthday to your little big girl!

  4. Happy birthday to the princess!!

  5. Happy Birthday! Becoming four is so exciting! The cake looks delicious, and it tasted well, that's all that matters!

  6. :))), and that's what counts...
    happy belated birthday to the girl!!!
