Monday 25 July 2011

I spy: a b c

I'm joining Lete in her Monday editions of "I spy...". Every Monday we show an image associated with a letter of the alphabet. Whatever comes first to your mind, whatever you see around you. You spy with your eye...

I'm a bit behind the schedule so I'm posting three letters at once. What fun!

a is for avocado

 b is for breakfast

c is for crochet



  1. Love the crochet! Wish you were closer and could teach me.

  2. Oh my gosh, I love this idea! And your pictures are so lovely. Like a story in a book - can I come live in the novel too?? Can't wait to see what the crochet becomes! The buttons are so sweet.

  3. that's a funny game. love your letters :)

  4. Yes, dear Francesca and it wouldn't happen if it wasn't because of you :) Full story when I finish it :)
