Wednesday, 1 December 2010

Corner View: Rain

This is such an old photo! Taken few years ago, when hiding from rain in warm arms of a coffee shop with a good book and a cup of cappuccino would happen so often.

These days I rarely visit coffee shops. And I also think that Starbucks knows very little about real coffee it they know anything at all. But that's just my opinion ;)

For more corner views, please visit Theresa.


  1. Old or new it is still a great shot of coffee and rain my friend. xo

  2. :)))
    i have a favourite starbucks (if it is starbucks), above paperchase tottenham court rd. i like it for its first floor view, for the cakes, and for the convos that so easily ooze from table to table.... ;)

  3. True. . . but they do know a lot about marketing and making money, don't they? Amazing.

    I rarely visit coffee shops where I can linger with coffee and a book either . . . kinda hard with a kiddo.

    Have a great day.

  4. I missed out on the rain posts this week... love this.. I miss rainy old London Town!!!!!

  5. Takes me back to my single days! I always had a sketchbook too.

  6. What a beautiful shot! I hope to visit a coffee shop with you one day.

  7. Your color and composition in the last few posts is just spot on! Happy frozen rain!

  8. Love this. I can totally see myself inside a coffee shop glazing out of the window... I look forward to the when I have more time to travel.
