Wednesday, 27 June 2012

Corner View: Mineral.

Few years ago I made this aquamarine necklace for C. He wore it around his throat, believing it could help with his thyroid problems. I don't remember if he felt any different then. He definitely doesn't need it now, he had his thyroid removed few months ago. 

Do you believe in healing prosperities of minerals?

For more CVs please visit lovely Francesca.

Happy Wednesday!


  1. My dad believed in them. Me not so much! I like the necklace anyway.

  2. Aw, that was so sweet of you to make that as a love offering for C. I'm afraid I'm rather skeptical of the healing properties of minerals unless I'm ingesting them. I am a BIG believer in healing properties of salt, as a curative for sinus infections like with a neti pot, and a retard-er of infection when rubbed directly on, and Epsom Salts, etc.

    Your necklace is lovely, beautiful stitch work!

  3. well, i guess they can't hurt us?
    the necklace is pretty though, in a way.

  4. I have no idea on the healing properties of minerals, but always worth a try I would say! A nice way to enclose the stone in your knitted necklace.

  5. You're so sweet, and I'm sure it helped Kasia, even if it didn't spare his thyroid (though I'm also sure that he feels a lot better now!).

    1. Thank you Francesca! He does feel better without his thyroid, it gave him lots of problems in the end :-)

  6. great necklace and aquamarine.

  7. Lovely necklace and such a loving gesture. I'm skeptical of the healing power of minerals being worn, but I'd wear the necklace simply because it's quite pretty and very different.:>)

  8. Very pretty necklace! I don't really believe in the healing function of minerals in that way, but my granny once told me my mineral is rose quartz and I suprisingly think it suits me.
