Friday, 22 March 2013

FO: Easter bonnet.

Yesterday there was Easter party in G.'s nursery and all kids were supposed to wear Easter bonnet. I bought a plain straw hat and decided to decorate it with some crochet flowers. I stayed up late the previous night and almost went blind but loved every minute of working on those flowers in Easter-y colours. I find working with crochet hook more and more enjoyable. Making crochet flowers is particularly relaxing for me.
I owe special thanks to Baby F. who cooperated nicely that night and slept six hours straight without waking up once, giving me some quiet, uninterrupted time to work on this hat for his big sister.
This bonnet doesn't maybe look exactly as Easter bonnet should but it surely looks very fresh and springy. The only thing that is missing is spring itself: it is so cold these days, with freezing winds and snowy rains. I lost count of how many times G. and F. have been sick (they both are now, again...). I'm so fed up with all that sneezing and coughing around...
As you can guess looking at these photos, G. is very happy with her new hat. She doesn't want to take it off and that makes me one happy mama. Seeing her smile and watching her dance with the bonnet on her head is the best prize for my work.
Easter bonnet (Rav link)

I hope the beginning of spring is sunnier and warmer in your corners.

Happy weekend!


  1. Your sweet daughter looks so cheerful and very springy! I'm sure that party was a great fun in this hat.

  2. This is an adorable hat! Your daughter is so lovely with her Spring outfit :)

  3. I saw it on Raverly, it's absolutely gorgeous, and the photos are adorable! this endless winter has been tough here too, and I've pretty much given up on March. Now, please April, don't disappoint!
