Monday, 21 June 2010

I can't believe it's June.
I can't believe how cold it is outside, how uninviting.
We've been warming up ourselves with some ginger and lemon tea with generous dose of honey.

This chilly weather makes me want to have something warm and cosy around my arms. So I started a new shawl yesterday and I just can't stop knitting it... I simply love these colorful stripes...

Happy week everyone!


  1. ooh, those colourful stripes are so lovely!! I hope it wars up for you soon.

  2. gorgeous colours...i love your knitting and projects...wish i was that good...i can't read a pattern yet!

  3. Sounds like my vacation last week in Seattle. It was so cold.

  4. oh no!well, if you have to be cold in june, then you should be able to knit like that. you have such an eye.

  5. I send you sun... and dream for a cup of this delicious tea !

    Happy week for you too

  6. it''s winter here also
    enjoy your weekend

  7. Great colours for your shawl. So funny that you are trying to warm up and we are trying to cool down.
